Wan Chai Gap to Wong Nai Chung Road Hike

Hong Kong Trail Section 4 starts at Wan Chai Gap and goes around the south side of Mount Cameron that faces Ocean Park. The trail ends at Wong Nai Chung Road, past Black’s Link. Throughout the hike are views of Ocean Park and Wong Chuk Hang area. The hike can be easily completed within 2 hours. The trail is relatively flat, except for a gradual ascent from mid-trail at the southmost point. Follow the Hong Kong Trail hiking signs (profile of man and woman hiking) and signs toward Black’s Link for this trail.
Hike elevation
Section 4 starts at 180m above sea level and stays at 120-220m for the beginning section. At the southmost point past Aberdeen Reservoir, the trail ascents from 120 to 280m. The trail goes around the side of the mountain at a consistent elevation and low gradient. The second half of the trail is flat and descents to 200m at Wong Nai Chung Gap.
Trail surface
Hong Kong Trail Section 4 has a mix of concrete and dirt surface. The beginning section from Wan Chai Gap starts off with an easy, flat dirt path and transitions into concrete. There’s a small section of concrete path with railings similar to Section 7, but thankfully it runs for only 10 minutes of the trail. The ascent from Aberdeen Reservoir is half rock/concrete steps and half concrete slope. Towards the end of Mount Cameron, the trail returns to dirt surface with lots of irregular rocks. From Black’s Link junction onwards, the trail is mostly concrete.
Mount Nicholson
Additional time: 30-45 minutes.
Near the end of the hike, there’s a path that leads to the top of Mount Nicholson at 380+ meters above sea level. Note: this is not a proper trail and can be dangerous. The ascent is steep and takes around 20 minutes to reach the top. Grab the trees for balance on the way up and down the hike. There’s a rock that’s shaped like a bird’s head and another known as “Mask Rock” that’s supposed to look like face mask along the path. Descenting north side (away from Section 4) is the preferred way as the surface is less slippery.
Going to the starting point
Take bus 15 from Central towards the Peak. Get off at Wan Chai Gap bus stop.
Leaving the finishing point
Take bus 76 from Tai Tam Reservoir Rd bus stop to Causeway Bay.